Our annual general meeting will take place on Saturday 19th October 2024 at 2.30pm at the Alfold Village Hall, Dunsfold Road, Alfold GU6 8JB.  

The agenda will be as follows:  

  1. Apologies for absence (see note 1 below).  

  1. To receive and adopt the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 22nd April 2023 (see note 2 below).  

  1. To receive the Chairman’s report.  

  1. To adopt the Accounts and Balance Sheet for the year ending 31st December 2023, together with the Directors’ and Independent Examiner’s Reports (see note 3 below).  

  1. To appoint the Independent Examiners for 2024 and to authorise the Board of Directors to determine their remuneration.  

  1. Election of Directors:-  

  1. Tony Ford, Dennis Gillen, John Reynolds and Giles Eyre in accordance with Article 30 of the Trust’s Articles of Association, and Robin Hirsch and Gordon Powell, who were appointed by the Board of Directors in the course of the last year under Article 33, retire and are eligible for re-election.    

  1. Candidates nominated in accordance with section 30 of the Trust’s Articles of Association (see note 4 below).   

  1. To receive a Report from W&A Enterprises Ltd.  

  1. To transact any other business proper to an Annual General Meeting.  

  1. Date of next meeting – date and venue to be confirmed.  

  1. Close of formal meeting.  

At this point the meeting will break for refreshments.  You will have the opportunity to view our displays, project plans and sales stands and to talk with project and group managers.   

 After the break the programme (subject to alteration) is planned to be presentations and updates on sites and projects.  

October 19th, 2024 from  2:30 PM to  4:30 PM